Preventive Maintenance Coverage

What We Cover

Our comprehensive services include handling insurance claims, maintaining roofing, HVAC, and solar panels, and offering construction and restoration services. With Advosy Home, every aspect of your property maintenance is in capable hands.

Highlights of

Preventative Maintenance


Roofing Maintenance

Annual Roof Inspections

Comprehensive assessments of your roof's condition to identify potential issues and ensure its longevity.

Active Storm Notifications

Receive timely updates on storms that may impact your property, allowing you to take preventative measures.

Post-storm Roof Inspections

Thorough evaluations of your roof within 72 hours after a storm, providing results and recommendations to address any damage.


Solar Panel Maintenance

Solar Panel Inspection

Regular checks to ensure the panels are in good condition and functioning optimally.

Energy Production Evaluation

Assessments of the solar system's energy output to ensure it's operating at maximum efficiency.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Thorough cleaning to remove dirt and debris, ensuring optimal light absorption and overall efficiency.


HVAC Maintenance

Regular Inspections

Routine evaluations of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to identify potential problems and maintain efficiency.

Cleaning & Tune-Ups

Comprehensive cleaning and adjustments of system components to extend equipment lifespan and prevent costly breakdowns.

Indoor Air Quality

Assessment and improvement of your property's air quality using air purifiers, filters, and humidity control systems, creating a healthier living environment


Insurance Claims Support

Claim Management

Our licensed Public Adjusters handle insurance claims, from reviewing and negotiating to ensuring the maximum policy entitlement.

Damage Assessments

We conduct independent property damage assessments and estimates to strengthen your claim.

Comprehensive Assistance

We not only provide aid for complex or denied claims but also keep you regularly updated throughout the claim process for a smooth and informed experience.


Active Monitoring

Prompt Response

Receive immediate assistance for emergency issues related to roofing, solar panels, or HVAC systems, ensuring the comfort and safety of property occupants.

Expert Support

Our team of experienced professionals will quickly address any emergencies, minimizing damage and restoring your property to optimal conditions.


Construction & Restoration

Prompt Response

Receive immediate assistance for emergency issues related to roofing, solar panels, or HVAC systems, ensuring the comfort and safety of property occupants.

Expert Support

Our team of experienced professionals will quickly address any emergencies, minimizing damage and restoring your property to optimal conditions.

Sign-Up for

Preventative Maintenance

Keep Your Home at its Best with Regular Care

Homeownership comes with responsibilities, and preventive maintenance is key among them. By signing up for our preventive maintenance program, you're taking a proactive step to preserve the value and comfort of your home. Our team of experts will regularly inspect, maintain, and update your property's key systems to ensure they are in top condition, helping to prevent future costly repairs and prolonging the lifespan of your home. Start your journey towards a worry-free home today.

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