Preventive Maintenance Pricing

Cost & Pricing

Advosy Home offers premium services at competitive pricing. We focus on providing value, ensuring your investment in preventive maintenance saves you significant costs in potential repairs and replacements.

Pricing for

Preventative Maintenance


Annually Per Property

Ideal for property owners seeking essential maintenance services for roofing and HVAC systems.

Roofing Maintenance:

Yearly roof inspections

Active storm notifications

Post-storm roof inspections with results and recommendations sent within 72 hours

HVAC Tune-Up & Inspection:

Bi-Annual inspections

Cleaning and tune-ups for heating and air conditioning systems

Maintenance of system efficiency and prevention of breakdowns

Insurance Claims Support:

Licensed Public Adjusters manage claims

Claim review, negotiation, and assistance

Damage assessments and estimates

Assistance with complex claims

Regular claim process updates


Annually Per Property

A comprehensive maintenance plan that includes pest control services for added protection.

Roofing Maintenance:

Yearly roof inspections

Active storm notifications

Post-storm roof inspections with results and recommendations sent within 72 hours

HVAC Tune-Up & Inspection:

Bi-Annual inspections

Cleaning and tune-ups for heating and air conditioning systems

Maintenance of system efficiency and prevention of breakdowns

HVAC Ventilation Cleaning:

Thorough cleaning of ductwork and vents

Removal of dirt, debris, and contaminants

Improved indoor air quality and system performance

Insurance Claims Support:

Licensed Public Adjusters manage claims

Claim review, negotiation, and assistance

Damage assessments and estimates

Assistance with complex claims

Regular claim process updates


Annually Per Property

The ultimate maintenance plan for property owners seeking a complete solution.

Roofing Maintenance:

Yearly roof inspections

Active storm notifications

Post-storm roof inspections with results and recommendations sent within 72 hours

HVAC Tune-Up & Inspection:

Bi-Annual inspections

Cleaning and tune-ups for heating and air conditioning systems

Maintenance of system efficiency and prevention of breakdowns

HVAC Ventilation Cleaning:

Thorough cleaning of ductwork and vents

Removal of dirt, debris, and contaminants

Improved indoor air quality and system performance

Solar Panel Maintenance:

Solar panel inspection

Bi-Annual solar panel cleaning with filtered, deionized water

System inspection and evaluation, including the inverter and error analysis

Insurance Claims Support:

Licensed Public Adjusters manage claims

Claim review, negotiation, and assistance

Damage assessments and estimates

Assistance with complex claims

Regular claim process updates

Sign-Up for

Preventative Maintenance

Keep Your Home at its Best with Regular Care

Homeownership comes with responsibilities, and preventive maintenance is key among them. By signing up for our preventive maintenance program, you're taking a proactive step to preserve the value and comfort of your home. Our team of experts will regularly inspect, maintain, and update your property's key systems to ensure they are in top condition, helping to prevent future costly repairs and prolonging the lifespan of your home. Start your journey towards a worry-free home today.

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